Student Accessibility
Most middle school classes and some senior elementary classes provide full or partial access to digital resources, assignments, quizzes, calendars and more using Google Suite for Education. These services can be accessed from home using the student's email and password. If a student does not have internet or computer access at home, there will be opportunities to access and use these services during the week.
Parent Accessibility
If desired, parents can access student's email accounts and online classroom (if one has been set up) in 2 ways: by requesting the password from the student directly or by emailing our I.T. department and requesting that a specific password be set for the student account. (Requests can only be made by legal parents and guardians.) New passwords will need to include an uppercase, lowercase and special character to be valid. The same password cannot be set twice, and once set passwords cannot be viewed by our I.T. department. However, staff will be monitoring the use of Chromebooks, laptops and Google Suite for Education services to ensure these resources are being used safely and for educational purposes only. If we find this not to be the case, technology privileges for a student may be revoked.